This IMS was written by and is managed by Christine Morgan Grad Dip OH&S
Christine has 33 years experience in Safety Quality & Enviro and achieved her Grad Dip OH&S in 2005.
Smarter Safety has 400+ IMS installations across all States and Territories
The system is NOT written in lawyer talk, but easy to comprehend everyday words
Very easy to understand and even easier to use
The Smarter Safety IMS is 100% compliant to…
Safety Management System AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018
Quality Management System AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016
Enviro Management System AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016
Many clients enjoy full certification having annual audits by JAS/ANZ auditors which always result in zero documentation non-conformances
The Smarter Safety IMS is NOT a template; it is supplied 100% finished and ready to use
Smarter Safety supplies everything you need for 100% compliance
Safety, Quality & Enviro Management Policies & Procedures, SWMS, SWP, SDS, Audits, Mobile Plant Pre-Starts, Site Hazard ID & Toolbox Meeting, Incident Reports and more
All personalised templates for Plant Operator Pre-Start Safety Checklist and Fault Report, Audit Report, Site Specific Induction & Toolbox Meeting Record, Incident Report etc
Personalised Induction Booklets with Sign-Off, Safety Plan, Plant Risk Assessments plus everything required for Pandemic management and more…
The Smarter Safety IMS comes to you online via a secure web page that is included
Everything is provided online in real time on your secure password managed web page. We call it SmarterScreen & it is! The IMS can be accessed 24/7 from any computer, tablet or mobile phone and you can easily print or email anything at any time.
The system also comes with electronic modules which will permit your business to become virtually paperless. Some of these modules are: Plant Pre-Starts, Site Hazard Assess & Toolbox Meeting, Crew & Depot Audits, Job Setup & Management, Plant & Equipment Maintenance, Training Register, Powered Plant Register, Powered Plant Risk Assessments & Incident Report
Smarter Safety is a family owned business trading since 2004.
• Christine Morgan - Director and Senior Systems Specialist
• Leigh Eeles - Christine’s son and IMS specialist plus first responder
• Roger Morgan - Business Manager - new clients, newsletter, SDS.
• Deonee Morgan - Roger’s daughter - system creation and updates
• Terri Anne Eeles - Christine’s daughter, IT specialist / Cloud Data Mngt guru
Located in Kilmore Victoria on the Great Divide one hour north of Melbourne.
The Smarter Safety Support Program
Your first 12 months support is included as part of your initial investment. Smarter Safety will then invoice you on your anniversary date for the following 12 months support. It is your choice whether you choose to take it up
Smarter Safety will argue that ours is the most comprehensive support program in the market. The program covers pretty much all and any business needs for Safety, Quality and Enviro.
Facts you need to know
Our IMS is supplied with everything for a 100% paper based system along with an extensive suite of online applications that if they are utilised will deliver an almost paperless option with maximum compliance. Choose one or other or a blend of the two, whatever works for you - we supply both
The electronic modules work seamlessly with an online connection and with a little preparation will function in remote locations without a phone connection
We are so confident in our documentation we guarantee it will be accepted by your Principal Contractor be they be a private business or a government agency
Everything is all in one place (on your SmarterScreen). Never again search for hours as you seek an important document to complete the task at hand
This system is ideal if you have multiple crews as everyone is accessing the same data
SmarterScreen provides the ideal filing system for all your compliance needs. Auditors love it when it is used to its maximum because everything is at their fingertips
Your Support Program includes all Mobile Powered Plant Risk Assessments plus professional help with the
completion of the Safety, Quality and Environment component of your TendersEach system comes with the unique to Smarter Safety MSO (Management System Overview). This is a multipage
document that is ideal for selling your business attributes to a potential Principal Contractor, furthermore the MSO is always supplied with every Tender submission and it is a proven winner.Ensure you compare ”APPLES with APPLES” if seeking a price comparison. We consider the Civil Contractor’s Federation to be our primary competitor. When comparing with them or anyone else, please be aware that the Smarter Safety IMS is 100% finished and 100% ready to use when you receive it (is NOT a template) and the initial purchase payment includes your first 12 months support. Compare Support! Does theirs include Tenders and Plant Risk Assessments?
Our IMS setup and build method
You complete the "Ägreement to Proceed" online and submit - see link in the email body
You transfer your 30% deposit via EFT & email the Bank Receipt to
BANK: Commonwealth NAME: Smarter Safety BSB #: 063682 ACC#: 101484551On receipt of the EFT transaction details, Smarter Safety sends six questionnaires for you to complete and return ASAP. This is also when your Support Program commences
When all six questionnaires are completed and in our hands, we slot your system into our build schedule and endeavour to have the system completed, uploaded and useable within 14 days of receiving the questionnaires. Under the pump? We have been known to perform miracles from time to time
While we are building the IMS, you will receive instructions to set up your people as "Users" and to upload your Plant to SmarterScreen to enable Risk Assessments to be completed
IMS comes with step-by-step instructions how to implement it. Christine and Leigh are always available for a Zoom session, should you want them to walk you through some of the processes.