Updating a SDS

  1. Firstly, sort by Supplier Name and then scroll through looking for the dates you are seeking. This ensures any contacts you make are for ALL their products that are currently needed.

  2. Click on "Contact" to find a link to SDS on the supplier's website or a phone number.

  3. Save the updated file using our file name protocol which is
    SDS_Supplier Name_Description as per SDS_date > 0000-00 - VERY PROFESSIONAL

    (NO) - White Knight Super Chrome Aerosol.pdf - NOT AT ALL PROFESSIONAL
    (YES) - SDS_PPG_White-Knight-Super-Chrome-Aerosol_2022-07.pdf - VERY PROFESSIONAL

  4. Remove old SDS from it’s screen and upload the new file,

  5. Input the new end date and save.

  6. Save the supplied SDS off to a folder in case you need to refer to it later.


Safety Data Sheet Request


Please email a compliant SDS for the following substance/s to replace our copy/ies, which is/are now out-of-date and not compliant in any Australian jurisdiction.


Before archiving a SDS, all clients with it must have it removed from their SDS file - VERY IMPORTANT!