Need help?
Contact Leigh: 0434 533 128 :
In an emergency, after calling 000, and then your jurisdiction regulator, phone Leigh: 0434 533 128.
You MUST advise your jurisdiction regulator immediately of any incident requiring professional medical assistance.
There are important things you need to do should this incident end up before a Magistrate and subsequently a litigation lawyer.
Please do not phone Roger with Support questions. He is not skilled in that area and is currently fighting liver cancer. Please remove Roger’s email address and phone number ending in 580 from your Contacts Listing.
Sending documents to clients? - You MUST first download the latest version from SmarterScreen to ensure you impress your client with the latest information & dates. Don't just snatch a file from your hard drive, as it will most likely be well out of date!
Need help with a tender - email your documentation to: (minimum 10 days prior to deadline).
Certification audit coming up - email us 3 weeks prior: (minimum 3 weeks prior to audit date).
Mobile Powered Plant Risk Assessments - Don’t forget to source when you receive new plant - don’t risk being locked out at the worksite gate because you didn’t do this.